
We need YOU!

Pattern needs volunteers, and we believe many have been wondering how the Lord may use their tech and media skills for Kingdom purposes.

God provided financially for us to quickly build the platform using a wonderful development company. However, to keep costs low and to increase the impact, going forward we need people who can give their time and skills. 

Volunteer projects may involve any of the following:

  1. One day projects (1-5 hours)
  2. An individual project to work on over a few evenings or a weekend (5-10 total hours)
  3. A short-term team project to work on over a month with others (5-10 total hours per person)
  4. Long-term team team project over a period of several months (10-40 total hours per person)

We are certain we’ll have projects that meet whatever volunteer time you have to give!

Volunteer Needs/Skills

We are looking for volunteers in the following areas:

Cyber Security

We need help to protect those using the apps and our system from hostile actors.

  • Website security
  • App Security
  • Data Protection


Our platform consists of four technological pieces: the user apps (like Pattern for Life), the Content Creator web app, the Launch Center web app, and a variety of Amazon Web Services.

  • Languages in use: PHP, CSS/HTML, MySQL(MariaDB), Javascript, Node JS, C#, TypeScript
  • Frameworks in use: Ionic Framework, WordPress, AWS LAMBDA System


  • Graphic design for the website, newsletters, publications, and app marketing material
  • Artwork, such as icons and colorful illustrations
  • Video creation for promotions, social media, tutorials, and more
  • Animation creation for use in the app

App Store “Heroes” (No tech skill needed!)

Each of our apps needs its own unique Apple Developer account due to restrictions Apple has. We need App Store Heroes who will set up a developer account to host an app. 

You don’t have to be super techie to be an App Store Hero. In fact, it’s a great missions project for a parent/kid to do together! Learn more here.

Ready to volunteer or have questions about volunteering?

Complete our Contact Form here and put any details in the “how would you like to help” section!