Many university ministries and compassion-focused organizations are already using small groups as the entry point for the gospel and disciple making.

Like them, we believe in every believer as a disciple maker and seeing every home as the possible location of a new group to disciple new believers.

Pattern is here to partner with ministry leaders to create a small-group discipleship app, with the potential to multiply their efforts.
Pattern Platform is based on a model of simple, reproducible, Discovery Bible Studies for small-group gatherings. These studies follow a path of growth that encourages healthy, reproducing disciples and, in turn, multiplying small groups – whether that’s home groups, dorm groups, or other groups that meet in various locations. The Platform also helps you customize your own app, set your own growth path, and choose your own content.
It became a clear path and plan.
Features to Consider
Easily create and manage resources for your small groups. Developed around Discovery Bible Studies and simple meeting templates, which empower every believer.
A central location for discipleship resources as well as training and leadership development resources. A toolbox on every phone.
Creation and distribution of additional content is easy through our Content Creator.
Fully independent, customizable, and self-managed app and content.
Brings a custom mobile app within reach for every church – that is far easier to use than a website and more robust than a Bible app.
App versions include Android, website, Google Play Store, and Apple App Store.
It challenges the members of the house churches, or groups, to not only be listeners but to start leading the group. This is an opening of their potential to become the leader of a new group and to discover their gifts.
What is the process?
1. Submit your information
2. Choose a payment option
3. Customize your app
4. Choose your lessons